Política de Preservação Digital

Digital preservation is fundamental to ensure the continuity and long-term access to the scientific content published in the Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online. This plan outlines the strategies, policies, and procedures that will be adopted to preserve the journal's digital collection, ensuring its integrity, authenticity, and accessibility for future generations.
  • Ensure the integrity and authenticity of the articles and other published materials.
  • Ensure continuous and reliable access to the digital collection.
  • Minimize the risks of data loss due to technological failures or disasters.
  • Adopt recognized digital preservation practices and standards.
Preservation Policy

The digital preservation policy of the Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online is based on the following principles:

  • Data Integrity: Maintaining the accuracy and consistency of data over time.
  • Authenticity: Ensuring that the contents have not been altered in an unauthorized manner.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring that the content will be available and usable when needed.
  • Security: Implementing measures to protect the collection against unauthorized access, loss, and damage.
Preservation Strategies

File Formats

  • Use open and widely recognized file formats for storing articles (e.g., PDF/A for texts and TIFF for images).
  • Periodically review the compatibility of the adopted formats and migrate to new formats when necessary.
Redundant Storage
  • Implement a redundant storage strategy, maintaining multiple copies of the collection in different geographic locations to protect against local disasters.
  • Use reliable cloud storage systems and local backup solutions.
Version Control
  • Maintain a version control system to track all changes made to documents over time.
  • Preserve all versions of the articles, including original submissions, revisions, and published versions.

Metadata and Documentation

  • Store detailed metadata for each item in the collection, including information about origin, authorship, rights, and revision history.
  • Ensure that the documentation associated with preservation processes is maintained and regularly updated.
Preservation Procedures
Backup Routines
  • Perform regular backups of the digital collection, with periodic checks to ensure data integrity.
  • Store backups in secure locations, physically separated from the original data.
Monitoring and Maintenance
  • Implement monitoring systems to detect and correct errors or issues in stored data.
  • Perform preventive and corrective maintenance on storage systems and digital platforms.
Recovery Testing
  • Conduct periodic data recovery tests to ensure that backup and restoration procedures are effective.
  • Document and review test results, adjusting preservation strategies as necessary.
Training and Capacity Building
  • Provide ongoing training for the team responsible for digital preservation, keeping them updated on best practices and emerging technologies.
  • Establish partnerships with other institutions and organizations for knowledge and experience exchange.
Plan Review and Update
The Digital Preservation Plan will be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect technological changes, new threats, and emerging best practices. The review will be conducted by the journal's editorial team, with contributions from digital preservation and IT specialists.
Implementing this Digital Preservation Plan will ensure the longevity and accessibility of the Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online's collection, contributing to the continued dissemination of scientific knowledge. Ongoing dedication to digital preservation is essential to protect the intellectual and historical value of our collection, ensuring it remains available for future generations.