Claims Policy

Complaints Policy

This procedure applies to complaints about the policies, procedures or actions of the RPCFO editorial team. We welcome complaints as they provide an opportunity and incentive for improvement, and we aim to respond promptly, courteously and constructively. Please write your complaint with the title of the paper, vol. no, issue number, paper ID, paper title, page.

Criteria for a complaint

Our definition of a complaint is as follows:

  • The complainant defines his/her expression of unhappiness as a complaint.
  • We infer that the complainant is not simply disagreeing with a decision we have made or something we have published (which happens every day), but thinks there has been a flaw in the process - for example, a long delay or a rude response - or a serious error of judgment.
  • The complaint should be about something that is the responsibility of RPCFO and content or process.

RPCFO is aware of the complaints below:

  • Authorship complaints.
  • Plagiarism complaints.
  • Multiple, duplicate, simultaneous/simultaneous submissions.
  • Undisclosed conflicts of interest.
  • Reviewer bias or harmful competitive acts by reviewers.

Complaint Handling Policy:

  • If the journal receives a complaint that any contribution to the journal infringes intellectual property rights or contains material inaccuracies or illegal materials.
  • The investigation may include a request for the parties involved to substantiate their claims.
  • The Journal will make a good faith determination about the removal of the allegedly infringing material.
  • All investigations and decisions shall be documented by the Journal.
  • We strive to ensure that RPCFO is of the highest quality and error-free. However, we accept that occasionally errors may occur.

Editorial Complaints Policy

The Editor-in-Chief and staff of RPCFO will make every effort to correct the matter as soon as possible in the most appropriate manner, offering right of reply where necessary. As far as possible, we will investigate complaints in a manner free from blame, looking to see how systems can be improved to avoid errors.

How to make a complaint

Complaints about editorial content should be made as soon as possible after publication, preferably in writing, by email to