Policies and Conditions for the Use of Artificial Intelligence

Authors must declare the use of generative AI in scientific writing at the time of article submission. The following guidelines refer only to the writing process and not to the use of AI tools for data analysis or extraction of insights as part of the research process.
Based on the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online adopts the following policies:

AI and Authorship: Chatbots and AI tools cannot be listed as authors or co-authors as they do not meet authorship criteria.
Transparent Use of AI: If AI is used for data collection, analysis, or graphic production, authors must declare this at the time of submission and clearly specify the tool and its use in the manuscript. This declaration does not apply to basic tools used for grammar, spelling, and reference checks. If there is nothing to disclose, no declaration is required.
Authors' Responsibility: Authors are responsible for the content of the article, including data generated by AI.
Prohibition of AI in Evaluation: Editors and reviewers must not use AI to evaluate submissions. If they do, the evaluation will be disregarded. This measure is to protect the rights of authors and the confidentiality of their research, and for this reason, RPCFO currently does not allow the use of generative AI or AI-assisted technologies, such as ChatGPT or similar services, by reviewers or editors in the peer review and manuscript evaluation process. We are actively assessing compatible AI tools, and this policy may be revised in the future.