Nursing process directed to patients with COVID-19: record of the stages / Processo de enfermagem direcionado a pacientes com COVID-19: registro de suas etapas
Nursing Process, Nursing Records, PandemicsAbstract
Objective: to identify the record of the stages of the Nursing Process directed to patients with COVID-19. Method: descriptive and documentary research, with analysis of 37 medical records. Results: 83.8% of the medical records presented a record of Nursing Data Collection; 56.8%, from the Nursing Assessment; and, 51.4%, of Implementation. However, no records were identified involving the stage of Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Planning. Conclusion: the registration has occurred in an insipient and discontinuous way; however, it is an analysis carried out in a pandemic scenario, in which the professional's overload and feelings of helplessness and insecurity must be considered. Therefore, it is suggested that research be carried out to assess the impact of the pandemic in the context of nursing, thus enabling subsidies for the development of strategies that aim to support the registration of the Nursing Process by the professional.
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