Evidence about playing in the hospital from the perspective of the child's family: integrative review / Evidências acerca do brincar no hospital na perspectiva do familiar da criança: revisão integrativa
Family, Play and plaything, Hospitalized child, RevisionAbstract
Objective: to identify studies in the national and international literature about playing in the hospital from the perspective of the child's family. Method: Integrative review carried out from March to May 2022, in the information sources: Scielo; LILACS and BDENF via VHL; MEDLINE via PUBMED; Scopus and Google Scholar as an additional strategy. Original articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish were included; no temporal clipping; and that had family members and/or companions of hospitalized children as participants. Results: Families recognize playing as a promoter in reducing children's anxiety in the face of invasive procedures, as well as helping to cope with hospitalization and improving their mood and behavior. They also highlighted the hospital toy library as an important space that promotes distraction and continuity of development. Conclusion: from the perspective of family members about playing, the nursing team should encourage them to be a co-participant in this activity during the child's hospitalization.
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