A Atypical motherhood: narratives of a mother with three children with autism spectrum disorder
There is not
Autism spectrum disorder, Family relations, Caregivers, Office nursingAbstract
Objective: To report the experiences and narratives of a woman as a mother of three children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Methods: Study of a qualitative nature, of the life narrative type. The research was carried out with a mother of three children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, who was being followed up at the Riding Therapy Association of Alagoas. Data were produced from narrative interviews with a research participant. Interviews with one participant were carried out in June and July 2022, in person and individually. Results: It was noticed that the most recurrent health needs of the family member of the person with Autistic Spectrum Disorder are the perception of the child's vulnerability, isolation, depression and stressful events. Conclusion: Therefore, with the investigation of the health needs of the family member and listening to the narratives of a mother, there was knowledge of the social interaction and dynamics of these people's lives.
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