Benchmarking of pre-analytical non-conformities in the clinical pathology laboratory at hospital do câncer I / Benchmarking dos erros pré-analíticos no laboratório de patologia clínica do hospital do câncer I
Laboratory errors, Pre-analytical errors, Benchmarking, Patient quality assuranceAbstract
Objective: to track the main errors in the process of the pre-analytical phase of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory and perform a benchmarking with the international study coordinated by the IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry). Method: fourteen indicators belonging to the pre-analytical phase were tracked, using the data contained in the LIS system. Defects per million opportunities (DPMO) and SIGMA of each indicator were calculated and benchmarking was performed with IFCC. Results: a total of 5,541 errors were tracked in the 14 indicators, and 8 of these Inca indicators displayed higher or equal scores when compared to IFCC. Hemolysis and fibrin after centrifugation were the indicators with the worst index and should be paid more attention by laboratory teams. Conclusion: the Pre-analytical Error Management Manual was prepared to standardize processes, improve indicators and, maintain the quality of those that are minimally acceptable.
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