Information For Authors



Article Processing Charges Policy

This journal does not charge the following fees to authors:

  1. No submission fees: 0.00 (BRL)
  2. No article evaluation fees: 0.00 (BRL)
  3. No article processing fees: 0.00 (BRL)

The journal does not charge fees to authors or readers for submitted articles.

Value: None

The Journal of Research Care is Fundamental Online adopts a no Article Processing Charge (APC) policy for several reasons that are fundamental to our mission and values:
Accessibility and Inclusion: Our primary goal is to ensure that scientific knowledge is accessible to everyone, regardless of the authors' financial capacity. Not charging APCs allows researchers from various backgrounds and institutions, especially those from developing countries or with limited resources, to publish their research without financial barriers.
Promotion of Equity: Waiving APCs promotes equity in access to scientific publication. This ensures that the quality of the research is the only criterion for publication, eliminating disadvantages for researchers with fewer financial resources.
Encouraging Diversity: By not charging fees, we encourage the submission of a wide variety of works from different areas and contexts. This enriches the diversity of published content, providing an inclusive platform for the dissemination of health knowledge.
Support for Scientific Development: Eliminating APCs facilitates the contribution of innovative and high-quality research, regardless of the authors' financial limitations. This, in turn, contributes to national scientific and technological development.
Strengthening the Scientific Community: By removing financial barriers, we support collaboration and the exchange of knowledge among researchers, strengthening the scientific community and promoting the advancement of knowledge in the health field.


THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET FOR THE ARTICLE TO QUALIFY FOR DOUBLE-BLIND REVIEW, OTHERWISE IT WILL BE REJECTED AND SUMMARILY FILED: (1) Prepared strictly following the FORMATTING, STRUCTURE, CONTENT, and STYLE/WRITING RULES. (2) Presented in WORD.doc format. (3) Data collection must not have taken place more than 5 years ago. (4) From ABSTRACT to CONCLUSION written in compliance with Vernacular Language Standards, using active, synthetic, or analytical voice, except for the objective (present the verb in the INFINITIVE). Do not cite authors and/or year. (5) Submission of the required documentation for each article category. (6) Completion of the online submission metadata form in Portuguese and English. All authors must be registered on the Lattes Platform ( and ORCID iD (, in compliance with "Best practice Guideline for Publishers".

Guidelines for text presentation. Article texts should follow the guidelines of the Equator Network according to the type of study conducted: To improve the quality and transparency of health research. It can be used for all types of health research. For all types of studies, use the Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE 2.0 – checklist). For randomized clinical trials, follow the CONSORT guide (checklist and flowchart). For systematic reviews and meta-analyses, follow the PRISMA guide (checklist and flowchart). For observational studies in epidemiology, follow the STROBE guide (checklist). For qualitative studies, follow the COREQ guide (checklist).

PRISMA checklist and flowchart: present in the method. Download the two documents from the available links - PRISMA in MS Word. CLICK HERE. and for the diagram, CLICK HERE; use them in preparing the article, fill them out; submit them during submission. Flow diagrams can also be generated using a Shiny App available at

Do not cite “predatory” journals, even if they have Qualis Capes. To do so, consult the link:

Guidelines for Authors

The Journal of Research: Care is Fundamental Online [RPCFO] was transferred to electronic format (SEER/OJS) in May 2009, non-profit. It is currently edited by the Graduate Program in Nursing (PPGENF)- Master's and Doctorate in Nursing, of the School of Nursing at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro [UNIRIO], with continuous flow periodicity, consisting of one volume per year. It is classified in QUALIS/CAPES as B2.

When submitting manuscripts, in SUBMISSION METADATA, all AUTHORS who may be mentioned as <> in the body of the text must be included. The forwarding of the manuscript, attachments, and the completion of all data are the sole responsibility of the author submitting the manuscript and not the Editor.

The inclusion of ORCID Records in Submission Metadata is MANDATORY, as well as the ABSTRACT in PORTUGUESE and REFERENCES. Otherwise, the submission may be SUMMARILY archived.

Affiliation standardization is another important aspect, so we adopted in 2023 the Research Organization Registry (ROR).

The Research Organization Registry (ROR) is a global, community-led registry of open, persistent identifiers for research organizations. ROR makes it easier for anyone or any system to disambiguate institution names and connect research organizations to researchers and research outputs. If your institution does not yet have this digital identifier, suggest its adoption at: Research Organization Registry (ROR) | Register.

When entering authors' affiliation into the submission system, as you start typing your institution's name, the system will start searching for the institution's name, which may be written in Portuguese or another language, usually in English. Once your institution appears as an option, just click on it and save. See the illustration below to see how easy it is.

All manuscripts are initially reviewed by the Editor for compliance with RPCFO FORMATTING and STRUCTURE RULES and, if considered appropriate, will be forwarded to Ad hoc consultants with recognized competence in the addressed theme. In case of disagreement, it will be sent for a second evaluation. In case of a conflict of interest identified by the consultants, it will be forwarded to another consultant.


FORMAT: “.doc”

PAPER: A4 size;

MARGINS: 2.5 cm on all four margins;

FONT: Trebuchet MS; font size 11 (including tables and references). For direct citation with more than 3 lines, use font size 10.

ITALIC: Only for words or expressions in a language different from the manuscript's language or in the transliteration of testimonies.

FOOTNOTES: From the second page, use the following symbols in this sequence: †,‡,§,††,‡‡, §§, †††, etc.

SPACING: Double throughout the manuscript, including the abstract and references.

Single for title, descriptors, direct citation with more than three lines, and in the transliteration of testimony.


1. Editorial – Maximum limit of 1,600 words;

2. Original articles – Maximum limit of 4,500 words;

3. Reviews (all, including Bibliometrics) – Maximum limit of 5,000 words;


From January 2021, a new stage was added to the manuscript review process. A software will evaluate plagiarism, with the following results:

– Up to 25% plagiarism – a letter with guidelines and recommendations will be sent to the authors;

– More than 50% plagiarism – the authors and institution will be contacted, fulfilling ethical duties regarding scientific work.


1. Title (Portuguese, English, Spanish). All in lowercase, only the first letter of the first word should be in UPPERCASE.

2. Abstract (in the 3 languages of the title). After ":", use lowercase.

3. Descriptors (in the 3 languages of the title). Only the first letter of each descriptor should be in uppercase. Ex: Fundamental care, Intensive Therapy; Nursing. All must comply with DECS.

4. Introduction

5. Method

6. Results

7. Discussion

8. Final Considerations (qualitative research) conclusion (quantitative research)

9. References (Vancouver style, following the examples below). Abbreviations must follow the Index Medicus BVS or the NLM Catalog.


It is the authors' responsibility to provide information and authorizations regarding the above items;

It must be included in a new section immediately after the conclusion. Cite the number of the public notice to which the research is linked.


The manuscript cannot identify the authors; this identification should only be in the identification page.

The words “ABSTRACT”, “DESCRIPTORS”, “INTRODUCTION”, “METHOD”, “RESULTS”, “DISCUSSION”, “FINAL CONSIDERATIONS/CONCLUSION”, “REFERENCES” and others that start the sections of the manuscript body must be typed in UPPERCASE, BOLD, AND LEFT ALIGNED.


It should appear in the 3 languages of the abstract;

Has a limit of 16 words;

UPPERCASE (only the first letter of the title in each language), the others must be in lowercase, BOLD, SINGLE SPACING AND CENTERED.


Include, in a structured way, information according to the article category. Includes: objective, method, results, and conclusion.

Text limited to 150 words, in the language in which the article was written;

May not contain abbreviations or acronyms.


Presented immediately below the abstract and in the same language, the word “descriptors” in: UPPERCASE AND BOLD;

Insert 3 to 5 descriptors, separating them with a semicolon, and the first letter of each descriptor in Uppercase. Ex. Nursing care; Intensive therapy; Pediatric nursing.

Descriptors should identify or reflect the main topics of the article;

Preferably, the words used in the descriptors should not appear in the title;

To determine them, consult the list of Health Sciences Descriptors (DECS) →; Remember to click on: “Exact Descriptor”.

Descriptors from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) → can also be used.

Single line spacing, as an example:

DESCRIPTORS: Education; Nursing care; Learning; Nursing; Teaching.


Must contain justification, theoretical foundation, and objectives. The justification must clearly define the problem, highlighting its importance, knowledge gaps, and the theoretical framework used when applicable.


Must contain the method used, the period and place where the research was developed, population/sample, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data collection sources and instruments, data analysis method.

For research involving humans, the authors must explicitly observe ethical principles, in accordance with the legislation of the country of origin of the manuscript, and inform the approval number by the Research Ethics Committee in accordance with current legislation.

The insertion of the Ethics Committee Opinion in the “supplementary documentation” section is mandatory at the time of article submission.


Information limited to the research results. The text should complement the information contained in the presented illustrations, not repeating the data.

Always insert the value of “n” and the percentage in parentheses. Remember that n below 10 should be written in full, and equal to or above 10 should be numeric.

Example: “Of the 100 participants, 15 (15%) reported improvement in the condition, and six (6%) reported worsening.”


Presentation of relevant aspects and interpretation of the obtained data. Relation and discussion with research results, study implications, and limitations. Data presented in the results should not be repeated.


Highlight the most important findings, comment on limitations and implications for future research;

Based on the objectives, results, and discussion, avoiding statements unrelated to the study and/or new interpretations. Include the contributions of the conducted study.


In this section, acknowledge funding agencies or organizations that contributed to the study.

It does not apply to thank individuals or authors who collaborated in the research.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text for the first time and presented according to Vancouver style (examples below).

Maximum limit of 30 references for original articles;

Exclusively, for Review Articles, there is no limit on the number of references;

It is suggested to include current references and strictly relevant to the addressed issue, avoiding an excessive number of references in a single citation (80% of articles should be published within the last 5 years);

Online articles should be cited according to electronic version standards, as shown in the examples below;


Articles in electronic journals

1. Magalhães MV, Melo SCA. Death and mourning: the suffering of health professionals. Psicol. Saúde Debate. [Internet]. 2015 [accessed on August 20, 2019];1(1). Available at:

Articles with more than 6 authors

2. Goto S, Kimura M, Katsumata Y, Goto S, Kamatani T, Ichihara G, et al. Artificial intelligence to predict needs for urgent revascularization from 12-leads electrocardiography in emergency patients. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2019 Feb 05];14(1):e0210103. Available from:

NOTE: Access and availability should be in the same language as the article. See the bold example of references 2 and 3.

3. Bittencourt GKGD, Moreira MASP, Meira LCS, Nóbrega MML, Nogueira JA, Silva AO. Beliefs of older adults about their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS, for the construction of nursing diagnoses. Rev. Bras. Enferm. [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2020 Feb 18];68(4). Available from:

Articles in physical journals

4. Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med 2002 Jul;347(4):284-7.

5. Lakka HM, Laaksonen DE, Lakka TA, Niskanem LK, Kumpusalo E, Tuomilehto J, et al. The metabolic syndrome and total cardiovascular disease mortality in middle-aged men. JAMA 2002;288:2709-716.

6. Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov E, et al. Childhood-leukemia in Europe after Chernobyl: 5 year follow-up. Br J Cancer 1996;73:1006-12.

7. Brandão AP, Nogueira AR, Oliveira JE, Guimarães JI, Suplicy H, Brandão AA, coordinators. I Brazilian Guideline for Diagnosis and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome. Arq Bras Cardiol 2005;84(Supl I):1-28.

Corporate authors (physical journals)

8. The Cardiac Society of Australian and New Zealand. Clinical exercise stress testing. Safety and performance guidelines. MJA 1996;164:282-284.

Corporate authors (internet journals)

9. Sociedade de Cardiologia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Guidelines for the approach to acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation. Rev SOCERJ. [Internet]. 2000 [accessed on August 20, 2019];1(1). Available at:


1. World Health Organization (WHO). Definition of palliative care. [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2019 Jul 11]. Available from:

2. Ministry of Health (BR). Health Surveillance Secretariat. Health Surveillance Guide [Internet]. 3rd ed. Brasília: Ministry of Health; 2019 [accessed on August 23, 2020]. Available at:

3. Ministry of Health (BR). Health Surveillance Secretariat. HIV/AIDS Epidemiological Bulletin: 2019 [Internet]. Brasília: Ministry of Health [accessed on February 14, 2020]. Available at:


1. Liberato R. The grief of the health professional: the psychologist's view. In: Casellato G. The rescue of empathy: psychological support for unrecognized grief. São Paulo: Summus Editorial; 2015.

2. Bardin L. Content analysis. Lisbon: Editions 70; 2016.

Electronic books

3. Foley KM, Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative care for cancer [monograph on the Internet]. Washington: National Academy Press; 2001 [accessed on Jul 9, 2002]. Available at:


1. Regional Nursing Council of São Paulo (SP). Safe use of medicines: guide for preparation, administration, and monitoring. São Paulo: COREN/SP; 2017.

2. Federal Nursing Council (Brazil). COFEN Resolution No. 358, of October 15, 2009. Ed. Brasília: COFEN; 2009. Available at:

Theses/Dissertations, Monographs

1. Silva WA. The experience of living with HIV/AIDS in old age. [Doctorate in Social Psychology]. São Paulo (Brazil): University of São Paulo; 2009. [accessed on October 27, 2019]. Available at:

Legal documents

1. BRAZIL. Decree No. 89,271, of January 4, 1984. Provides for documents and procedures for the dispatch of aircraft in international service. Lex: Collection of Legislation and Jurisprudence. Jan/Mar 4, 1984;48:3-4. Federal Legislation and marginal notes.

2. BRAZIL. Law No. 8,142, of December 28, 1990. Provides for community participation in the management of the Unified Health System (SUS) and on intergovernmental transfers of financial resources in the health area. Legislative Portal: Ordinary Laws. 2013. Available at:


1. National Health Surveillance Agency (Brazil). Ordinance No. 470, of November 24, 1999. Establishes the basic characteristics of labels on packages of mineral and table drinking water. Official Gazette of the Union Nov 25, 1999; Section 1.


1. National Health Surveillance Agency (Brazil). Resolution No. 22, of March 15, 2000. Procedures for Registration and Waiver of the Obligation to Register Imported Products Related to the Food Area. Official Gazette of the Union Mar 16, 2000; Section 1.

2. National Health Surveillance Agency (Brazil). Resolution No. 23, of March 15, 2000. Basic Procedures Manual for Registration and Waiver of the Obligation to Register Products Related to the Food Area. Official Gazette of the Union Mar 16, 2000; Section 1.

3. National Health Surveillance Agency (Brazil). Resolution No. 259, of September 20, 2002. Technical Regulation for Labeling of Packaged Foods. Official Gazette of the Union Sep 23, 2002; Section 1.


1. Brazil. Civil Code. Texts organization, cross-references, and index by Juarez de Oliveira. 46th ed. São Paulo: Saraiva; 1995.


1. Hoffmann K, Herbst H, Pfaendner, R, inventors; Ciba-Geygy, assignee. Process for stabilizing pead. BR patent 9507145-8 A. Sep 2, 1997.

2. Meier HR, Evans S, Dubs P, inventors; Ciba-Geigy Corporation, assignee. Substituted phenols as stabilizers. US patent 5,008,459. Apr 16, 1991.


1. Brazil. Decree No. 3,304, of April 27, 1999. Approves the regimental structure and the demonstrative framework of commission positions and gratified functions of the National Development Fund and provides other measures. Official Gazette of the Union Apr 28, 1999; 123(8):4-5.

Scientific or technical report

1. Quimby EH, Shafiro G, Stickley EE. Radiation protection for medical and allied health personnel: recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Bethesda (MD): National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (US), Council’s Scientific Committee 49 on Radiation Protection Guidance for Paramedical Personnel; 1976. NCRP. Report, 48.

Didactic or instructional material
Video tapes

1. Capovilla FC, Guidi MAA. Hardware resources for experimental analysis of human behavior [videocassette]. São Paulo: Institute of Psychology at the University of São Paulo; 1990.


1. Kindersley D. The human body [DVD]. São Paulo: Globo, 1997.


1. Anderson SC, Poulsen KB. Anderson's electronic atlas of hematology [CD-ROM]. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002.

Includes DVD and video tapes.


1. Deus e o diabo na terra do sol [film]. Director: Glauber Rocha. Rio de Janeiro: Copacabana Filmes; 1964.


1. Blade Runner [DVD]. Director: Ridley Scott. Los Angeles: Warner Brothers; c1999.


1. Geographical Institute. Regions of Brazil [map]. São Paulo: Geographical Institute; 1995.

Legal documents in electronic format

1. National Health Surveillance Agency (Brazil). Ordinance No. 15, of August 23, 1988. Determines that the registration of domestic sanitizing products with antimicrobial purposes must comply with regulatory norms [ordinance on the internet]. Official Gazette of the Union Sep 5, 1988 [accessed on Jul 13, 2007]. Available at: http://elegis.bvs.brleisrefpublicshowAct.php?id=12546.

2. Brazil. Ministry of Health. Health Care Secretariat. Ordinance No. 286, of April 19, 2006. Enabling the Psychosocial Care Centers listed below to perform the procedures provided for in Ordinance No. 189, of March 20, 2002 [ordinance on the internet]. Official Gazette of the Union Apr 20, 2006 [accessed on Jun 10, 2007]; Section1, (76). Available at:


1. Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics [homepage on the internet]. Analysis of household food availability and nutritional status in Brazil [accessed on Mar 27, 2005]. Available at:


1. Ramos Junior HS. Considerations on privacy in cyberspace In: 2nd Cyberethics. International Symposium on Intellectual Property, Information and Ethics [event on the internet]. Nov 12-14, 2003; Florianópolis, Brazil [accessed on Jan 12, 2007]. Available at:

Printed yearbook

1. Proceedings of the 4th Paulista Public Health Congress; Jul 10-14, 1993; São Paulo, Brazil. São Paulo: Paulista Public Health Association; 1995.

2. Zioni F. Popular control: thematic discussions. In: Proceedings of the 4th Paulista Public Health Congress; Jul 10-14, 1993; São Paulo, Brazil. São Paulo: Paulista Public Health Association; 1995. p. 25-6.

For cases of more than one event held simultaneously, the same rules applied to corporate authors should be followed.

3. Christensen S, Oppacher F. An analysis of Koza's computational effort statistic for genetic programming. In: Foster JA, Lutton E, Miller J, Ryan C, Tettamanzi AG, editors. Genetic programming. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming; Apr 3-5, 2002; Kinsdale, Ireland. Berlin: Springer; 2002. p.182-91.

Papers presented at events (posters and similar) and not published.

1. Carvalho AB, Lima Filho JL, Dutra RAF, Silva NLLC. Biosensor for Chagas disease [Presentation at the II Biennial Research of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; Dec 1-11, 2000; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil].

Online Yearbook

1. Aosani TR, Lima ACC. Community therapy as a methodological work strategy for family health support nucleus teams (nasf) in mental health care. APEsmo [Internet]. October 30, 2018 [accessed on June 30, 2020]; 30:e19658. Available at:


Annexes, when indispensable, should be cited in the text and inserted after the references.


Illustrations include tables, charts, and figures (graphs, diagrams, photos).

A maximum of 5 illustrations are allowed, which must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Exclusively, for Review Articles, the illustration limit is 8.

They must be indicated in the text with a capital letter at the beginning.

Example: Table 2, Chart 1, Figure 3.

The source of the illustration information, when resulting from other research, must be cited and included in the references.

Tables and charts

Maximum dimension of 22 cm in height by 16.5 cm in width

Use internal lines only below and above the header, and at the bottom of the table;

They should not have vertical and horizontal lines inside the table;

They should be inserted as close as possible to the indication and drawn with the appropriate tool of Microsoft Word for Windows 98® or compatible;

Use Trebuchet MS font, size 11, single spacing between lines;

The title of tables and charts should be placed immediately above them, with single spacing and bold. Following the examples below:

Example 1: Chart 1 – Nursing interventions. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2010 (No full stop)

Example 2: Table 1 – Socioeconomic characteristics of pregnant women with type II diabetes mellitus. Curitiba, PR, Brazil, 2015 (No full stop)

Figures (Graphs, Diagrams, Photos)

Maximum dimension of 22 cm in height by 16.5 cm in width.

They should be presented in the text, as close as possible to the indication, and attached in a separate file, with the quality necessary for publication. Preferably in JPEG, GIF, or TIFF format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

The title of the figure should be placed above it, separated by a period from the name of the city, state, country, and year. These last ones separated by a comma and without a full stop.

Example: Figure 1 – Leadership styles according to the Managerial Grid Theory. São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2011

Color photos and photos of people (except those publicly accessible, already published) may be published.


1) Indirect citation or paraphrase

Inform the reference number immediately at the end of the text, without space, without parentheses, and after the graphic sign (punctuation).

Example: The concept of comfort is directly related to well-being.1

2) Sequential/intercalated citation

Separate the numbers of each reference with a dash when sequential.

Example: 8-10 – the information indicates that references 8, 9, and 10 are included.

Separate the numbers of each reference with a comma when intercalated.

Example: 8,10 – the information indicates that references 8 and 10 are included.

3) Direct citation with up to three lines

Inserted in the body of the paragraph and in quotation marks. The number and page corresponding to the literal citation must be superscripted, without parentheses, and separated by a colon.

Example: 8:13 – the information refers to reference 8, page 13.

4) Direct citation with more than three lines

Contained in a new paragraph, justified to the right, and indented 4 cm from the left margin, typed in Trebuchet MS 10 font, single line spacing, without quotation marks.

The number and page corresponding to the direct citation must be superscripted, without parentheses, and separated by a colon.

Example: 8:345-6 the number 8 refers to the reference, and 345-9 to the pages.

5) Testimony

The transliteration of testimony should be contained in a new paragraph, typed in Trebuchet 11 font, italicized, with single line spacing, without quotation marks.

Comments from the author should be in square brackets and without italics.

The subject's identification should be coded (explain the coding in the methodology), in parentheses, without italics, and separated from the testimony by a period.

Example: [Communication] is you expressing something, saying something to someone is the act of communicating […]. (Family member 2)



Must be concise and reflect the main idea of the manuscript, with a maximum of 16 words, excluding the geographical location of the research.


IMPORTANT: If the manuscript originates from a thesis, dissertation, monograph, or course completion work, it should contain an asterisk (*) at the end of the title and the respective information in a footnote.

Authorship (Trebuchet MS 11 font)

Limited to six authors;

Full names, presented immediately below the title, right-aligned, separated by a comma, numbered with sequential Arabic numerals, and superscripted.

Single spacing between lines;

Authors' information (education, highest academic degree, position held, institution name, city, state, and country) should be presented immediately below the names, justified, in Trebuchet MS 10 font, and line spacing set to 1.15.

City, state, and country, separated by hyphens.

Corresponding Author

The corresponding author is the one to whom RPCFO will send communications regarding the manuscript review process. Responsible for representing the other authors regarding text changes, manuscript flow, and formal acceptance of the final version of the manuscript for publication.

Provide name, affiliated institution, address (street, number, ZIP code, city, state, country), phone number, and email (font 10).

The name of the corresponding author will appear as such upon the article's publication. It is their responsibility to inform RPCFO of any address changes and/or email issues to avoid delays in the manuscript review process.


For research articles involving humans, submit a copy of the approval opinion, with the respective protocol number, issued by the Research Ethics Committee in accordance with the legislation of the country of origin of the manuscript. The copy must be attached as supplementary documentation.

The copy must be attached as supplementary documentation and in its entirety, containing the “Approved” opinion.


This document includes the declaration of responsibility, copyright transfer, participation in the manuscript, and conflict of interest declaration.

It must be completed and signed by all authors and attached as supplementary documentation.

Manuscript Submission Document

I (We), _____________________________ author(s) of the manuscript “__________________”, declare that my (our) contribution was in the conception and planning of the research project; data collection and/or analysis and interpretation; manuscript writing; manuscript review; other (specify).
I (We) declare that this is an original manuscript and that this version, in whole or in part, has not been published or is under consideration for publication in another journal, whether in print or electronic format.
I (We) declare that the copyright related to the manuscript, when published, will become the exclusive property of the Journal of Research Care is Fundamental Online (ISSN 2175-5361). I (We) assume full responsibility for the citations and bibliographic references used as well as the ethical aspects involving the study participants.
I (We) authorize the use of images and/or speeches for dissemination and publicity purposes, granting all rights reserved to the Journal of Research Care is Fundamental Online (ISSN 2175-5361).
I (We) declare that there is no financial and/or affiliation conflict of interest*.
I (We) confirm that individuals who contributed to this manuscript but do not meet the authorship criteria have been mentioned in the acknowledgments. The individuals or organizations mentioned in the acknowledgments have given written permission for the mention.
I (We) declare that, if requested, I (We) are available to provide data on which the manuscript is based for examination by the Editorial Board.

_________________, _____ of _____________ of _______.
Name and Signature____________________________
ID__________ CPF__________ Tel.:__________
(In case of more than one author, all authors' data and signatures must be included).

*If there is a financial and/or affiliation conflict of interest, this item must be omitted from this text and informed in the manuscript body, according to the Journal of Research Care is Fundamental Online's Article Publication Guidelines.

Submission document

The manuscript that does NOT comply with such Standards, due to INCOMPLETENESS or INADEQUACY, WILL BE SUMMARILY RETURNED before even being submitted to the REVIEW BY THE CONSULTANT. Therefore, we request attention to the submission guidelines for manuscripts. If the request for adjustments is not met within 3 (three) days, it will be ARCHIVED and, if there is still interest in publishing it, it must be resubmitted, initiating a new peer-review process.

The review process uses the Double-blind peer review system, preserving the authors' and consultants' identities, using the RPCFO form. The return period for the opinions is, at most, 28 days, when the reviewers accept to conduct the evaluation. Otherwise, it will be sent to other consultants. If the non-acceptance persists, two members of the Editorial Board will evaluate the article.

The reviewers' opinions will be made available online to the responsible author for submission, who will have a period of 10 (ten) days to meet the requests. Otherwise, the manuscript will be ARCHIVED after a communication is sent to all authors, as we understand that there was no interest in meeting the requests for adjustments according to the evaluations. However, if there is still interest in publishing it, the article must be resubmitted, initiating a new peer-review process.

RPCFO Cross-reference Policy:



Authors metadata form.docx


We request that you complete this metadata and attach it in SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENT with the file name using ONLY the first 4 digits of your article submission ID.