Guidelines for Evaluators

The Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online follows rigorous guidelines for manuscript evaluation to ensure the quality and integrity of publications. These guidelines are based on a comprehensive set of criteria that guide reviewers during the review process. The main points of these guidelines are described below:
  1. Title

    • Comprehensibility and Synthesis: The manuscript's title should be clear, understandable, and adequately synthesize the study's content.
  2. Abstract

    • Objectives: The abstract should clearly present the research objectives.
    • Methodology: It should describe the methodology employed in the study.
    • Results: Indicate the main results obtained.
    • Conclusions: Describe the conclusions derived from the research.
    • Languages: The abstract should be available in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
  3. Keywords

    • Adequacy: Keywords should be appropriate for the content of the article.
    • Compliance with DeCS: Keywords should comply with the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS).
    • Languages: Keywords should be present in the three languages: Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
  4. Contribution and Clarity

    • Advancement of Knowledge: The study should contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
    • Objectives and Questions: The study should clearly state the objectives and questions it intends to answer.
    • Justification and Relevance: It should present justification and relevance for the research.
    • Logical Sequence: Ideas should be presented in a logical and coherent sequence.
    • Definition of Terms: Specialized terms and abbreviations should be clearly defined.
  5. Methodology

    • Adequacy: The employed method should be appropriate for the proposed type of study.
    • Clarity: The method should be described clearly.
    • Studied Group: The studied group should be properly described.
    • Data Collection: The process of data collection and the instruments used should be clearly and coherently described.
    • Data Analysis: Analysis and data should be explicitly presented in an appropriate manner.
    • Ethical Principles: The ethical and legal principles of research involving human beings should be clearly stated in the methodology.
    • Ethical Approval: Approval from the Research Ethics Committee (CEP), with the approval number of the research protocol and institution, should be evident.
  6. Literature Review

    • Breadth and Currency: The literature review should be comprehensive and up-to-date.
  7. Results and Discussion

    • Clarity and Objectivity: Results should be presented clearly and objectively.
    • Correspondence to Objectives: Findings should correspond to the proposed objectives.
    • Relevance and Consistency: The discussion should be relevant and consistent.
    • Meaning of Data: The author should attribute meaning to the observed data in the discussion.
  8. Conclusion

    • Clarity and Coherence: The conclusion should be clear and coherent with the development and findings of the study.
  9. References

    • Relevance and Currency: References should be relevant and up-to-date.
  10. Writing

    • Understandability: The writing should be understandable and should not have excessively long or very short paragraphs.
  11. Reviewer Comments

    • Detailed Feedback: The reviewer should provide detailed comments to help the authors improve their work.
  12. Publication Decision

    • Reviewer Recommendation: The reviewer should indicate whether the manuscript is favorable for publication, favorable with recommendations to be addressed, or not favorable for publication.

These guidelines ensure that each manuscript is evaluated fairly and meticulously, promoting the publication of high-quality research in the Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online.