Política de Revisão Por Pares

Peer Review Policy

Once a manuscript is submitted to RPCFO, it goes through the initial screening for scope, standardization and quality checks. Articles that pass the initial checks are sent for peer review. The review process is an important aspect of the publication process of an article. It helps the editor decide on a paper and also allows the author to improve the manuscript.

RPCFO follows a double-blind review process.

Reviewers are assigned based on their expertise in the subject while keeping ethical concerns in mind. The peer review process usually takes 4-5 weeks.

Reviewers make one of the following recommendations:

  • Accept Unconditionally
    Accept, with or without editorial revisions.
  • Conditionally accept
    Invite authors to review your manuscript to address specific concerns before a final decision is made.
  • Reject as is
    Reject, but indicate to authors that future work may warrant a new submission.
  • Reject outright
    Reject outright, usually on the basis of expert interest, lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance, or major technical and/or interpretive problems.

The final decision to accept or reject the article after the review revisions rests with the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor.

A Thank You for Review is issued to reviewers after successful review of the manuscript and a list of reviewers' names is published after the issue is released.