Educational practices in health with families of children with special health nedds: integrative review
Health Education, Family, Child healthAbstract
Objectives: to identify the scientific production on educational practices in health with the families of children with special health needs. Methods: integrative literature review developed in five informational resources in January and February 2021. Results: nine articles were included in the qualitative synthesis, among which the majority were national, with descriptive methodological design and level VI of evidence. The health educational practices found were: group activities such as conversation circles and dialogue groups, educational technologies in booklet format, in addition to integrative practices such as massage and musical activities. Final Considerations: the scientific literature on the adoption of educational practices in health that help home care for children with special needs and their families is still limited, indicating the need for productions that enhance this type of care. Thus, the development of new research and development of educational technologies aimed at this theme is suggested.
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