Teaching the systematization of the nursing care in an undergraduate course
Students Nursing, Nursing Education, Nursing Process, Nursing CareAbstract
Objective: to understand the perception of undergraduate nursing students about teaching the systematization of nursing care. Method: mixed methods research, carried out with 156 students from an undergraduate nursing course at a private institution in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A structured questionnaire was used and, later, ten randomly selected students were interviewed, using a semi-structured script. Results: the students showed confidence and knowledge to implement the systematization of nursing care and understand its importance for autonomy, security and professional visibility, in addition to positively evaluating the way in which teaching on the subject is developed in the institution. Conclusion: it is understood that positive practices and active methodologies should be strengthened during graduation, requiring a collective effort to provide means for the development of the systematization of nursing care.
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- 2023-06-30 (2)
- 2023-03-08 (1)
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